Top Five Tips For Health

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Top Five Tips For Health 
Running, Runner, Long Distance, Fitness

in this Blog i will write to tell that about Top Five Tips For Health because as you know that health is wealth if we have not idea about that then we will loss over health and easily become very much lazy. heavy body become many effects on our body due to take wrong food and alcohol like things. these types of things effect our whole body so that i will discuss with u Top Five Tips For Health .many types things we use daily basis but we do not know whats the benefits and whats the disadvantage . in a day we eat food , according World Health Organization a Healthy and Balance diet or Food it will provide many benefits to our body .

First Excercise 
Top Five Tips For Health 

It is way to maintain our health with good body as well as stand up like young one , but as we all know that if we do or eat more its effect also for our body so i will tell u a minimum amount you can do excercise in daily basis and it will give many benefits to your body. 
The benefits of Excercise 
1) It manage body and reduce body weight
2) It maintain bloodpressure and also reduce risk of attack
3) it helps for diabetes or cancer patients to reduce effects
4) It also reduce tension and relax your body 
Second Junk Food 
Burger, Cheese Burger, Burgers
Top Five Tips For Health 

These types of food very test ful and it increase eating or over eating it directly effect . it also effect to our body to weight gain if we take more it it is dangerous for us . we use it but in minimum amount and if we eat one time it increase taste to eat more .
these are some effects , loss of memory power, increase risk of dementia, its ability to control appetite
Top Five Tips For Health 
Third Take Fruit And Vegetables
Fourth dont use major amount of sugar 

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