Islamiat MCQS Page 1

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1.Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) went to Syria with Hazrat Abu Talib at the age of

(a) 12 years
(c) 24 years
(b) 15 years
(d) 35 years
2.The Holy Prophet was born in the month of
(a) Jamadi-ul-Awwal
(b) Rabi-us-Sani
(c) Jamadi-us-Sani
(d) Rabi-ul-Awwal
3.Name the foster mother(s) of the Holy
Prophet (SAW)?
(a) Hazrat Halema (RA)
(b) Hazrat Sobia (RA)
(c) Hazrat Khola (RA)
(d) All of them
4.How many months prior to the birth of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW), Hazrat Abdullah Ibn-e-Abdul Matalib died?
(a) Two months
(b) Four months
(c) Six months
(d) One months

5.How many years after the birth of Holy Prophet (SAW), Hazrat Aamina died?
(a) six years 
(b) Eight years
(c) Ten years
(d) Two years
6. The Holy Prophet was a direct descendant of of Pakistan
(a) Hazrat Ismaeel (ASY
(b) Hazrat Eesaa (AS)
(c) Hazrat Da’ood (AS)
(d) Hazrat Saleh (AS)
7.Name the person whose house became the centre of preaching of Islam?
(a) Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)
(b) Hazrat Usman (RA)
(b) Hazrat Arqam (RA)
(d) Hazrat Talha (RA)
8.When did the second migration to Habshah take place?
(a) 605 AD
(b) 615 AD
(c) 630 AD
9.when did the event of the social boycott of Banu Hashim take place?
(a) 8th year of Nabvi
(b) 5th year of Nabvi
(c) 6th year of Nabvi
(d) 7th year of Nabvi
10.Where did Muslims take refuge near the Makkah in 7th year of Prophethood?
(a) Shi’b-e-Abi Talib
(b) Ghar-e-Soar
(c) Ghar-e-Hira
(d) Plain of Arafat
11.What was the significant event of 27 Rajab of 11th year of Prophethood?
(a) Miraj
(b) Migration
(c) Boycott
(d) Pledge of Aqaba
12.Who did accompany the Holy Prophet (SAW) in the migration to Madina?
(a) Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)
(b) Hazrat Ali (RA)
(c) Hazrat Usman (RA)
(d) Hazrat Umar (RA)
13.What is the name of the camel which the Holy Prophet (SAW) was riding in the migration of Madina?
(a) Buldul
(b) Anza
(c) Qaswa
(d) Zulifqar
14.When did Hazrat Hamza (RA) embrace Islam?
(a) Fifth Nabvi
(b) Sixth Nabvi
(c) Seventh Nabvi
(d) Fourth Nabvi

15.When five prayers became Farz?
(a) 12th Nabvi
(b) 10th Nabvi
(c) 13th Nabvi
(4) 11th Nabvi
16. At which occasion Salat (Prayers) became obligation (Farz)?
(a) Miraj
(b) Migration
(c) Boycott
(d) Visit to Taaif
17. What was the important event in the month of 13th Nabvi?
(a) Hijrah Habshah
(b) Hijrah Madina
(c) Miraj
(d) Visit to Taaif
18.In which night the Qur’an was revealed
(a) Shab-e-Mira)
(b) Lailat-ul-Qadr
(c) Lall-tul-Aroos
(d) Shab-e-Braat
19. Which year is called the Year of Sorrow?
(a) 9th Nabvi
(b) 13th Nabvi
(c) 6th Nabvi
(d) 10th Nabvi
20. Which incident took place on 24th September 622 AD in the life of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)?
(a) He migrated to Madina
(b) He fell ill
(c) He was attacked
(d) He was stopped to travel
21.When Hijra started?
(a) 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal of 13th year of
(b) 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal of 12th year of
(c) 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal of 14th year of
(d) 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal of 10th year of
22.After Hijrat to Madina, what first important thing Holy Prophet (SAW) did?
(a) Built a mosque for prayers
(b) Built his house
(c) Created Bait-ul-Mal
(d) Raised a Army
23. What is the literal meaning of Islam?
(a) To bow down the neck
(b) to have safety
(c) To obey
(d) All of them

24.How many fundamental pillars (Arkan-e-Islam) of Islam are there?
(a) Three
(b) Five
(c) TWO
(d) Four
25. Kalimah Tayyaba, Salat, Zakat Haji and Soam are the fundamentals
of IsTam.
(a) Beliefs
(b) Faiths
(c) Pillars
(d) Corners
26. Name the pillars of Islam in proper order?
(a) Shahadateen. Salt, Zakat Soam and
(b) Salat, Zakat Soam, Hajj, Zakat and Hajj
(c) Shahadateen, Salat Soam Zakat and
(d) Shahadateen, Salat, Zakat, Haj and
27.Which pillar of Islam is declared as an armour?
(a) Salat
(b) Soam
(c) Zakat
(d) Hajj
28.What is first practical manifestation of faith?
(a) Prayer
(b) Zakat
(d) Hajj
(c) Soam
29 What is the most important event of sixth Hijrah?
(a) the prohibition of wine
(b) The treaty of Huddaibiah
(c) The Battle of Ahzab
(d) The Meesaq-e-Madina
30. How many ‘Sahifay” were revealed to Hazrat Idrees (AS)?
(a) 10
(b) 20
(b) 30
(d) 45
31. When did Holy Prophet (SAW) go to perform Најј?
(a) 10th Hijri
(b) 9th Hijri
(c) 11th Hijri
(d) 8th Hijri
32.When was Hajj made compulsory?
(a) 9th Hijri
(b) 10th Hijri
(c) 11th Hijri
(d) 8th Hijri
33. When was the Qiblah changed?
(a) 2nd Hijri
(b) 3rd Hijri
(c) 4th Hijri
(d) 1st Hijri
34.Name the Mosque which was famous for the change of Qiblah?
(a) Masjid-e-Qiblatain
(b) Masjid-e-Nabvi
(c) Masjid-e-Quba
(d) None of them
35. When Zakat became Farz?
(a) 4th Hijri
(b) 2nd Hijri
(c) 5th Hijri
(d) 1st Hijri
38. Who were Ashaab-e-Sufah?
(a) Ansaar (RA) who stayed near the Masjid-e-Nabyi
(b) Mahajirs (RA) who stayed near the Masjid-e-Nabvi
(c) Mahajirs (RA) who stayed near the Mas-jid-e-Quba
(d) Ansaar (RA) who stayed near the Masjid-e-Quba

37. When the truce of Hudaibiya took place?
(a) 6th Hijri
(b) 7th Hijri
(c) 5th Hijri
(d) 4th Hijri
38.Name the first written constitution of the world?
(a) The treaty of Hudaibiya
(b) Meesag-e-Madina
(c) The Khutaba-e-Hajja-tul-Widah
(d) None of them
39. What was written on the Holy Prophet’s (SAW) seal?
(a) Muhammad Allah Rasool
(b) Muhammad Rasool-Ullah
(c) Allah Muhammad Rasool
(d) Allah Rasool Muhammad
40.Which was the first capital of Islamic Common wealth?
(a) Makkah
(c) Taaif
(c) Madina
(d) Khyber
41.Who are called Umm-ul-Momineen?
(a) The Holy Mothers of the Muslims
(b) The sisters of the Holy Prophet (SAW)
(c) The Holy Wives of the Prophet (SAW)
(d) None of them
42. Name the wife of the Holy Prophet (SAW) who was titled as Umm-ul-Masakeen?
(a) Hazrat Ummay Habiba (RA)
(b) Hazrat Ummay Salma (RA)
(c) Hazrat Zainab (RA)
(d) Hazrat Zainab Bint-t-Jahsh
43.40.Which the title of Hazrat Ayesha (RA)?
(a) Tahira
(b) Siddiqa
(c) Umm-ul-Masakeen
(d) All of them
44. Which Umm-ul-Momineen died last?
(a) Hazrat Safia (RA)
(b) Hazrat Ayesha (RA)
(c)Hazrat Umm-e-Salma (RA)
(d) Hazrat Javeria (RA)

45. What is the meaning of Aqeeda?
(a) Belief
(b) Pillar
(c) Nikah
(d) Relief
46. What is the meaning of iman-e-Mujammal?
(a) The belief in detail
(b) The belief in known things
(c) The belief in brief
(d) The belief in unknown things
47.What is the meaning of Iman-e-Mufassal?
(a) The belief in brief
(b) The belief in detail
(c) The belief in all things
(d) The belief in uncertain things
48.How many essential beliefs are there in Iman-e-Mafassal?
(a) 5
(b) 9
(c) 7
(d) 11
49. Which is the first belief in iman-e-Mufassal?
(a) No deity except Allah
(b) Prophethood
(c) The Hereafter life
(d) Angels
50.What is the second belief in Iman-e-Mufassal?
(a) The Hereafter life
(b) The Angels of Allah
(c) The Divine Books
(e) The prophets of Allah
51.What is the third belief in Iman-e-Mufassal?
(a) The Angles of Allah
(b) The Divine of Allah
(c) The Prophets
(d) The Hereafter life
52.What is the fourth belief in Iman-e-Mufassal?
(a) The Prophets
(b) The Holy Books
(c) The Day of Judgement
(d) The Day of Resurrection
53. What is the fifth belief in Iman-e-Mufassal?
(a) The Day of Judgement
(b) The Divine Books
(c) The Day of Resurrection
(d) None of them
54 What is the sixth belief in Iman-e-Mufassal?
(a) The Holy Books
(b) The Day of Resurrection
(C) Good and Bad is predetermined by Allah
(d) The Day of Resurrection
55. What is the seventh belief in Iman-e-Mufassal?
(a) The Holy Books
(b) Good and Bad is predetermined by Allah
(C) The Day of Judgement
(d) The Day of Resurrection

56. Give the fundamental beliefs of Islam in the proper order?
(a) Tauheed, Risalat, Maika, Alhami Kutub and Akhirat
(b) Tauheen, Malaika, Risalat, Alhami Kutub and Akhirat
(c) Tauhed, Risalat. Alhami Kutub: Akhirat and Malaika
(d) Malaika, Risalat, Akhirat, Alhami Kutub and Tauheed
57. What is the first belief in Islam?
(a) Tauheed
(b) Prophethood
(c) The Hereafter Life
(d) The Day of Judgement
58.What is the second belief in Islam?
(a) Tauheed
(b) Risalat
(c) The Hereafter Life
(d) The Day of Judgement
59. What is the third belief in Islam?
(a) Tauheed
(b) Risalat
(c) Alhami kutub
(d) Akhirat
60. Which is the last belief in Islam?
(a) Belief in Holy Books
(b) Belief in Angels
(c) Belief in Aakhirat
(d) Belief in Allah
61.What is the primary emphasis of the Qur’an upon?
(a) The Prophethood of Prophets
(b) The Doctrine of Tauheed
(c) The Hereafter Life
(d) None of them
62. Which of the following the Qur’an considers as an unpardonable sin?
(a) Lie
(b) Jealousy
(c) Shirk
(d) Hypocrisy
63. Which is the greatest of all sins according to the Holy Prophet (SAW)?
(a) Lie
(b) Shirk
(c) Backbiting
(d) Flattering
64.Which is the most important belief in Islam after Tauheed?
(a) Belief in the Holy Prophet (SAW)
(b) Belief in Aakhirat
(c) Prophethood
(d) Belief in Angels
65. Give the total number of Prophets (AS)?
(a) 125,000
(b) 225,000
(c) 124,000
(d) 224,000

66.What is the literal meaning of Nabi?
(a) A person who behaves nicely
(b) A person who acts according to Shariah
(c) A person who conveys the message of Allah
(d) A person who believes in the unity of Allah
67.The function of Hazrat Mekael (AS) is to
(a) Make rain and supply of food to Allah’s creatures Take out souls of life bearing creatures
(c) Brings Allah’s messages and commands to His Prophets
(d) Blow the trumpet on the day of judgement
68.The function of Hazrat Jibra’eel (AS) is to?
(a) Make rain and supply of food to Allah’s creatures
(b) Take out souls of life bearing creatures
69.The Angel who will blow the trumpet on the Day of Resurrection is
(a)Hazrat Israfeel (AS)
(b) Hazrat Jibra’eel (AS)
(c) Hazrat Izraeel (AS)
(d) None of them
70.Name the Angel who takes out souls of life bearing creatures
(a) Hazrat Izraeel (AS)
(b) Hazrat Jibra’eel (AS)
(c) Hazrat Israfeel (AS)
(d) None of them
71.Name the Angels who are appointed to put questions to the deads in their graves.
(a) Munkar & Nakeer (AS)
(b) Hazrat Jibra’tel(AS)
(c) Hazrat Izraeel (AS)
(d) Hazrat Mekael (AS)
72.Two Angels are appointed on each person One of them maintains the good deeds and the other one records evil deeds. These two angels are known as –
(a) Kiraman Katibeen (AS)
(b) Farishtain (AS)
(c) Mankar and Nakeer (AS)
(d) None of them
73.Who is the greatest angel according to the teachings of Islam?
(a) Hazrat Mekael (AS)
(b) Hazrat Izraeel
(c)Hazrat Jibra’eel (AS)
(d) Hazrat Israfeel (AS)
74.In which category Iblees lies?
(a) Angel
(b) Jinn
(c) Human being
(d) Animal
75.Who is referred in the Qur’an as Ar-Rooh?
(a) Hazrat Mekael (AS)
(b) Hazrat Izraeel (AS)
(c) Hazrat Isra’fee! (AS)
(d) Hazrat Jibra’eel (AS)

76.Who is referred in the Qur’an as Ron
(a) Hazrat Mekael (AS)
(b) Hazrat Isra’ feel (AS)
(c) Hazrat Izraeel (AS)
(d) Hazrat Jibraleel (AS)
77. Who is referred in the Qur’an as Rooh-al-Ameen?
(a) Hazrat Isra’feel (AS)
(b) Hazrat Jibra’eel (AS)
(c) Hazrat Mekael (AS)
(d) Hazrat Izraeel (AS)
78. Who was called Abul Bashir Sani?
(a) Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)
(b) Hazrat Nuh (AS)
(c) Hazrat Adam (AS)
(d) Hazrat Musa (AS)
79. How many Holy Books are there?
(a) Four
(b) Six
(c) TWO
(d) Eight
80. Which is the oldest Holy Book?
(a) The Torait
(b) The Zuboor
(c) The Injeel
(d) The Qur’an
81. Which Holy Book is called the Old
(a) The Torait
(b) The Zuboor
(c) The Injeel
(d) The Qur’an
82. Which Holy Book is called the New
(a) The Torait
(b) The Zuboor
(c) The Injeel
(d) The Qur’an
83. Which Holy Book is called the Gospel?
(a) The Torait
(b) The Zuboor
(c) The Injeel
(d) The Qur’an
84.Which is the last Holy Book?
(a) The Qur’an
(b) The Injeel
(c) The Zuboor
(d) The Torait
85.On which Prophet(s) was/were scrolls (Sahi-fahs) revealed?
(a) Hazrat Aadam (AS)
(b) Hazrat Shees (AS)
(c) Hazrat Ibraheem (AS)
(d)All of them
86.To whom the Zuboor was revealed?
(a) Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)
(b) Hazrat Moosaa (AS)
(c) Hazrat Da’ood (AS)
(d) Hazrat Eessaa (AS)
87.To whom the Torait was revealed?
(a) Hazrat Moosaa (AS)
(b) Hazrat Da’ood (AS)
(c) Hazrat Kessaa (AS)
(d) Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)
88. To whom the Injeel was revealed?
(a) Hazrat Moosaa (AS)
(b) Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)
(c) Hazrat Eessaa (AS)
(d) Hazrat Da’ood (AS)

89. The nation of Samood was preached by
(a) Hazrat Yaqoob (AS)
(b) Hazrat Salih (AS)
(c) Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)
(d) Hazrat Uzair (AS)
90.The Ten Commandments were revealed to
(a) Hazrat Moosaa (AS)
(b) Hazrat Eeessaa (AS)
(c) Hazrat Noah (AS)
(d) Hazrat Ibraheem (AS)
91. “There is no god but Allah, Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) is the Messenger of Allah.” It is translation of
(a) Kalima-eShahadat
(b) Kalima-e-Tayyaba
(c) Iman-e-Mufassal
(d) Iman-e-Mujammal
92. How many Kilamahs are in Islam?
(a) 6
(b) 7
(c) 5
(d) 4
93.Name the first Kalimah?
(a) Kalimah-e-Tauba Kolimal
(b) Kalimah-e-Tayyaba
(c) Kalimah-e-Tamjeed
(d) Kalimah-e-Shahadat
94.Name the second Kalimah?
(a) Kalimah-e-Tamjeed
(b) Kalimah-e-Tauba
(c) Kalimah Shahada
(d) Kalimah-e-Tayyaba

95. “Name the third Kalimah.
(a) Kalimah-e-Tayyaba
(b) Kalimah-e-Saalis
(c) Kalimah Tamjeed
(d) Kalimah-e-Shahadat
96. Name the fourth Kalimah.
(a) Kalimah-e-Tauheed
(b) Kalimah-e-Shahadat
(c) Kalimah-e-Tauba
(d) Kalimah-e-Tamjeed
97. Name the fifth Kalimah?
(a) Kalimah-e-Tauheed
(b) Kalimah-e-Tamjeed
(c) Kalimah-e-Shahadat
(d) Kalimah-e-Astaghfaar
98.Name the sixth Kalimah?
(a) Kalimah-e-Astaghfaar
(b) Kaimiah-e-Rad-i-kufr
(c) Kalimah-e-Tamjeed
(d) Kalimah-e-Tauheed
99.Name the Kalimah which is recited during Hajj on way to Mina.
(a) Tauheed
(b) Shahadat
(c) Tahleel
(d) Astaghfaar

100. Name the Kalimah which is recited in a funeral procession?
(a) Shahadat
(b) Tamjeed
(c) Tauheed
(d) Tayyaba

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