General Science Everyday Science Important MCQS

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1. The head region of the tapeworm is called
(a) Scolex
(b) Antenna
(c) Sucker
(d) Moth
2. How many chambers does a cow’s stomach
(a) One
(b) TWO
(c) Three
(d) Four unit of electrical energy consumption is to
(a) 1000 watt per hour
(b) 500 watt per hour
(c) 100 watt per hour
(d) None of the above
4. 68° Fahrenheit is equal to
(a) 56.1°C
(b) 68°C
(c) 20°C
(d) 100°
5. Can D.C. voltage be used in a transformer?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Sometimes
(d) None of the above

6.1. Graphite is an allotrope of carbon
2. Diamond is a metal,
(a) False, false
(b) True, true
(c) False, true
(d) True false
7.lodine with starch gives the colour
(b) Yellow
(d) Blue
(a) Red
(c) Pink
8. To make rubber strong and bounceable, we add
(a) Petroleum jelly
(b) Sulphuric acid
(c) Sulphur
(d) Sponge
9. A greenish yellow colour is seen on a hard boiled egg. This is due to
(a) Alkaline nature of the egg
(b) Formation of some iron compound
(c) Formation of hydrogen sulphide
(d) None of the above
10. Which is the most fast spreading disease?
(a) Malaria
(b) Plague
(c) Poliomyelitis
(d) Leprosy

11. We feel thirsty when
(a) Osmotic pressure of blood increases
(b) Osmotic pressure of blood decreases
(c) Partial pressure of oxygen in blood
(d) Partial pressure of oxygen in blood
12. Which one amongst the following is not a greenhouse gas?
(a) Nitrogen
(b) Carbon dioxide
(c) Methane
(d) C.F.C.
13. In which of the following diseases is the use of aspirin prohibited?
(a) Typhoid
(b) Dengueals
(c) Malaria
(d) Viral fever
14.Bakeries use yeast in bread making because it
(a) Makes the bread hard
(b) Makes the bread soft and spongy
(c) Enhances the food value
(d) Keeps the bread fresh
15. Anabolic steroids are used for which of the following?
(a) To boost up physical energy of sports dicts
(c) To improve memory
(d) For the treatment of depression

16. Inside which of the following is a nucleus not found?
(a) A human cell
(b) ‘A plant cell
(c) An electric cell
(d) An atom
17. The diet should be rich in which of the following to overcome the deficiency in vitamin D?
(a) Eggs and dairy products
(b) Fresh vegetables
(c) Whole grain cereals
(d) Citrus fruits
18.Which of the following is an acronym
computer programming language?
19. of the four landmarks in medical history given below which one was the first to take place?
(a) Plastic surgery alito
(b) Bypass surgery
(c) Test-tube baby
(d) Organ transplant
20. The mushrooms are rich sources of
(a) Proteins
(b) Minerals
(c) Carbohydrates
(d) None of the above

21. Which of the following is the most stable element?
(a) Hydrogen
(b) Oxygen
(c) Lead
(d) Uranium
22. Which of the following food materials contains phosphorus?
(a) Onion
(b) Breasts
(c) Meat
(d) Egg yolk
23. Hay fever and asthma belong to the category of
(a) Deficiency diseases
(b) Degenerative diseases
(c) Hormonal diseases
(d) Allergies
24. Which of the following is an element?
(a) Silica
(b) Magnesia
(c) Glass
(d) Graphite
25. What is common between a whale and a monkey?
(a) Both have an external ear
(b) Both have a long balancing tail
(c) Both have body hairs throughout life
(d) Both give birth to young ones

26. What is true about bats?
(a) They lay their eggs in the hollows of trees be but do not sit on them for incubation
(b) They make use of ‘echolocation for
avoiding obstacles while flying
(c) They have toothless beaks
(d) They have nucleated red blood cells
27.During the floods, precaution should specially taken against
(a) Cholera
(b) Smallpox
(c) Typhold
(d) Malaria
28. An example of molecular crystal is
(a) Diamond
(b) Ice
(c) Sodium chloride
(d) Gold
29. From which part of the saffron plant is saffron obtained
(a) Dry flower buds
(b) Dry calyx
(c) Stigma
(d) Dry petals
30. In the eye, colour vision is effected by the presence of
(a) Choroid coat
(b) Sclerotic coat
(c) Rods
(d) Cones

31. Majority of the dinosaurs were
(a) Carnivores
(b) Herbivores
(c) Omnivores
(d) Piscivores
32. Growth of the baby in the uterus is found using
(a) X-rays
(b) Gamma rays W SM
(c) Ultrasound
(d) Ultraviolet rays
33. Most of the light inside a tube-light is in the form of
(a) Visible light
(b) Ultraviolet light
(c) Infrared rays
(d) Cathode rays
34. Chocolates can be bad for health because of a high content of
(a) Cobalt
(b) Nickel
(c) Zinc
(d) Lead
35. Which is the future fuel?
(a) Ethanol
(b) Hydrogen
(c) Methane
(d) Natural gases
36. People are advised to consume/take which of the following tablets/injections to protect themselves from nuclear radiations during nuclear war?
(a) Potassium iodide
(b) Calcium iodide
(c) Potassium sulphide
(d) None of the above
37. What is common is sunflower, coconut and groundnut?
(a) Their fruits are edible
(b) Their seeds are edible
(c) These are rich sources of fibre
(d) These provide edible oils
38. If a car is moving towards oils with its horn sounding, you hear a higher pitch than you would hear if the car was at rest. This is because
(a) The waves travel faster
(b) Successive crests produced by the horn are closer to each other
(c) You receive successive crests more frequently even though the wave itself is unchanged
(d) The motion of the car raises the frequency of the horn
39. Which of the following is used in bloodless’ surgery?
(a) Ultraviolet light
(b) Laser
(c) Maser
(d) X-rays
40. Which of the following is not reckoned as a ‘value added’ telecommunication service?
(a) Electronic mail
(b) STD
(c) FAX
(d) Radio-Paging Service

41. Which chemical weapon was used by German troops during World War-I?
(a) Chlorine gas
(b) Mustard gas
(C) Phosgene gas
(d) Hydrogen cyanide
42. Which one of the following is found only in women?
(a) Thyroid
(b) Pituitary
(c) Ovary
(d) Adenoid
43. What is ‘milk O magnesia’ chemically?
(a) Magnesium carbonate
(b) Sodium bicarbonate s
(c) Calcium hydroxide
(d) Magnesium hydroxide
44. The best conductor of heat among the following is
(a) Alcohol
(b) Mercury
(c) Ether
(d) Water
45. The ‘IC’ chip, used in computers, is made of
(a) Chromium
(b) Tron oxide
(c) Aluminium
(d) Silicon
46. Accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints causes
(a) Allergy
(b) Anaemia
(c) Goitre
(d) Gout
47.What would be the effect of breathing air without oxygen?
(a) One would collapse within 30 seconds and be dead within 5 minutes
(b) One would become unconscious but be living for few days
(c) One would be alive for few days
(d) One would be alive for few days
48. Find the odd man out.
(a) Diabetes
(b) Scurvy
(c) Rickets
(d) Xerophthalmia
49. The reason for the increasing number of malaria patients is that
(a) The sanitary conditions are poor in villages
(b) The population has greatly increased
(c) the mosquitoes have become DDT resistant
(d) All the above
50. Shadows are caused by things, which are
(a) Transparent
(b) Heavy
(c) Light
(d) Opaque

51. Mad dog’s bite causes
(b) Hydrophobia
(a) Malaria
(d) None of the above
(c) Typhoid
52. Charcoal floats on water because
(a) It has low specific gravity
(b) It has high specific gravity
(c) Large quantity of air is absorbed in its pores
(d) None of the above
53. Tissue culture is
(a) Growing of tiny plant fragments in a nutrient solution
(b) A system of physical exercise for the
regeneration of body tissues
(c) Growing of plant fragments on tissue paper
(d) Culturing of bacteria on tissue paper
54. Muddy water is an example of
(a) True solution
(b) Suspension
(c) Colloidal solution
(d) No solution
55. An electrical device capable of transmitting sound as well as images is called
(a) Telephone
(b) Audiophone
(c) Microphone
(d) Videophone
56. Bubonic and pneumonic are the two types of the deadly disease
(a) Cancer
(b) Plague
(c) AIDS
(d) None of the above
57. Which combination of colours is the most convenient during day and night time?
(a) Orange and blue
(b) White and black
(c) Yellow and blue
(d) Red and green
58. An element which does not react with oxygen is
(a) Chlorine
(b) lodine
(c) Helium
(d) Nitrogen
59. A plant with compound leaves is
(a) Papaya
(b) Coconut palm
(c) Peepal
(d) Hibiscus
60. The colour of light is determined by its
(a) Velocity in air
(b) Amplitude
(c) State of polarisation
(d) Frequency

61. Which of these is not an input device?
(a) Monitor
(b) Keyboard
(c) Mouse
(d) Joystick
62. A short initialising program of a PC is called
(a) Subroutine
(b) Boot program
(c) Main program
(d) Branch
63. ‘SARS’ stands for
(a) Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
(b) Sensitive Acute Respiratory Syndrome
(c) Secretive Acute Respiratory Syndrome
(d) None of the above
64 “Treadmill Test’ is conducted to treat
(a) Heart
(b) Lungs
(c) Kidney
(d) Legs
65. Which one of the following is a super-cooled
(a) Ice-cream
(b) Teflon
(c) Glass
(d) Mercury
66. Which of the following is detected and estimated by the ‘Pollution Check carried out on motor cars at service stations?
(a) Lead and carbon particles
(b) Oxides of nitrogen and sulphur
(c) Carbon monoxide
(d) Carbon dioxide
67. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched? Vitamins Rich Sources
(a) Vitamin A: Cod liver oil the
(b) Vitamin B Whole cereals centre
(c) Vitamin C Milk
(d) Vitamin E: Butter
68. Which is the organ that excretes water, fat and various catabolic wastes?
(a) Kidneys
(b) Skin
(c) Spleen
(d) Salivary glands
69. Which part of the eye gets inflamed and becomes pink when dust gets into?
(a) Cornea
(b) Choroid
(c) Conunctiva
(d) Sclerotic
70. Which of the following gases will effuse out of football bladder most quickly?
(a) He
(b) H2
(b) N₂
(d) O2

71. Golden rice is a rich source of
(a) Fat
(b) Protein
(c) Vitamin A
(d) Vitamin B
72. Which one of the following is a ‘fish’?
(a) Cray fish
(b) Cattle fish
(c) Flying fish
(d) Silver fish
73. Rocks consisting chiefly of clay are called
(a) Argillaceous
(b) Glacial rocks
(c) Siliceous rocks
(d) Calcareous rocks
74.Slate which is used for writing by school children is a form of
(a) Igneous rocks
(b) Metamorphic rocks
(c) Sedimentary rocks
(d) None of the above
75. Which of the following is/are the main causes of major earthquake?
(a) Collapse of roofs of mines
(b) Collapse of roofs of tunnels
(c) Explosive eruption of volcanoes
(d) Tectonic forces
76. Which of the following waves are the fastest of all earthquake waves?
(a) Primary (P) waves(b)bad
(b) Secondary waves ce
(c) Surface (L) waves(d)
(d) Longitudinal waves
77. An isoseismic line is a line which connects all points of the surface of the earth where the
(a) Annual rainfall is same
(b) Atmosphere pressure is same
(c) Intensity of earthquake is same
(d) Annual mean temperature is same
78. The highly heated fragmental materials which are thrown into the air by the explosive action of a volcano are called
(a) Pyroclasts
(b) Volcanic bombs
(c) Lapilli
(d) Tuff
79. The depression formed at the mouth of a volcanic vent is called a
(a) Crater
(b) Calderas
(c) Volcanic sink
(d) Geyser cones
80. What is the name given to a vent through which there is emission of gases and water vapour, after the emission of volcanic material is terminated?
(a) Geyser
(b) Fumaroles
(c) Caldera
(d) Volcanic hole

81. What is the name given to a mountain formed due to folding of crystal rocks compressive forces?
(a) Block mountain
(b) Fold mountain
(c) Dome mountain
(d) Horst mountain
82. The plateaus which rise abruptly from the lowlands or the sea are called
(a) Intermantane plateaus
(b) Piedmont plateaus
(c) Denudation plateaus
(d) Continental plateaus
83. The plains which are formed by the filling-up of sediments into depressions along the foothills, lakes and seas are called
(a) Erosional plains
(b) Structural plains
(c) Depositional plains
(d) None of the above
84. Plains formed by the upliftment of a part of the sea floor usually bordering the continent are called as
(a) Depositional plains
(b) Erosional plains
(c) Structural plains
(d) Delta plains
85.The soil which develops in situ above parent bedrock is called
(a) Primary soil
(b) Secondary soil
(c) Transported soil
(d) Sedentary soil
86. In karst topography, all types of deposits in a karst cave are collectively called as
(a) Speleothems
(b) Travertines
(c) Tufa
(d) Dripstones
87. The weathering that takes place without changing the rock’s chemical composition is known as
(a) Chemical weathering
(b) Biological weathering
(c) Mechanical Weathering
(d) Bio-chemical weathering
88.The formation of rapids and waterfalls is a most characteristics feature in – – course of a river.
(a) Upper
(b) Middle
(c) Lower
(d) All of these
89. Mississippi delta is an example of
(a) Estuarine delta
(b) Bird’s foot delta
(c) Arcuate delta
(d) Truncated delta
90. A glacier formed as a continuous ice-sheet at the base of mountain is called
(a) Piedmont glacier
(b) Continental glacier
(c) Valley glacier
(d) Ice-caps

91. An arm chair type of hollow cut into the mountain by a moving glacier is called as a
(a) U-shaped valley
(b) Roches mountonnees
(c) Cirque
(d) Glacial lakes
92. In a glaciated topography, lateral moraines are
(a) Moraines formed due to deposition of glacial sediments along the internal margins of two glaciers at their confluence
(b) Moraines formed when glacial sediments are deposited at the floor of glacial valleys
(c) Parallel ridges on either side of a glacier
(d) Moraines formed due to doposition of glacial sediments at the end of a valley
93. Higher peaks and mounds surrounded by ice from all sides in a glaciated topography are called as
(a) Nunataks
(b) Roches mountonness
(c) Crag and tail
(d) Tarn
94. The largest glacier, le., Slachen is situated in
(a) Ladakh range
(b) Karakoram range
(c) Sulaiman range
(d) Hindu Kush range
95 In desert areas, the loose surface material is blown away by wind from land through a process known as
(a) Deflation
(b) Attrition
(c) Abrasion
(d) Sand blasting
96. The wind-borne material deposited beyond the limits of the deserts by wind action are called as
(a) Sand dunes
(b) Loess
(c) Ripple marks
(d) Barkhanh
97: The loess formation in China is most prevalent
(a) North China
(b) East China
(c) South China
(d) West China
98. When the coast facing the sea has a scarp face and an over hanging crest, it is known as
(a) Sea-cliff
(b) Sea caves
(c) Spit
(d) Sea arches
99. Which type of coast provide the typical example of the coast of Norway?
(a) Ria coasts
(b) Dalmatian coasts
(c) Fjord coasts
(d) Drowned lowland coasts
100. The coast of South-West Ireland is a typical example of
(a) Fjord coasts
(b) Dalmatian coasts
(c) Ria coasts
(d) Drowned lowland coasts

101. Volcanic eruptions do not occur in the
(a) Baltic Sea
(b) Black Sea
(c) Caribbean Sea
(d) Caspian Sea
102. Quartzite is metamorphosed from
(a) Limestone
(b) Obsidian
(c) Sandstone
(d) Shale
103. The material that comes out of a volcano at the time of eruption is
(a) Liquid and gaseous
(b) Liquid and solid
(c) Liquid, solid and gaseous
(d) Solid and gaseous
104. The process of disintegration of rocks with changing their chemical composition is
(a) Exfoliation
(b) Carbonation
(c) Oxidation
(d) Hydration

See also  Which of the following vitamins is synthesised in the body by intestinal bacteria?