Scientific Terms Mcqs Everyday Science Important

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1.Which term is used for absolute temperature where all molecular motion stops?
(a) Lowest temperature
(b) Absolute zero
(c) Absolute cooling
(d) Absolute Temperature
2.Atomic Fission is a process of
(a) Splitting of heavy element into two smaller units
(b) Joining of two very light elements to make a bigger unit.
(c) Splitting of Molecules into atoms of same element
(d) None of the above
3.Atomic Fusion is a process of
(a) Splitting of heavy element into two smaller units
(b) Joining of two very light elements to make a bigger unit
(c) Splitting of Molecules into atoms of same element.
(d) None of the above
4.A measurement of astronomical distance, equal to the distance light travels in the course of one year is called
(a) Ecliptics
(b) Light year
(c) Comet
(d) Meter
5.A mineral form in which a metal can be
extracted is called
(a) Atom
(b) Rock
(c) Ore
(d) Isotope

6.Atoms of the same element having the same atomic number but different atomic weights are called
(a) Isobars.
(b) Isoions
(d) None of these
7.Durimg respiration
(a) Both diaphragm and intercoastal muscles contract
(b) Both diaphragm and intercoastal muscles relax
(c) Diaphragm contract while intercoastal
muscles relax
d) Diaphragm relax and intercoastal muscles contract
8. Rhinology is a term used for
(a)Study of Nose and its diseases.
(b) Study of Ear and its diseases
(c) Study of Eye and its disease
(d) All of the above
9._______ is a phenomenon of existence of an element in more than one form.
(a) Isobar 
(b) Isotope
(c) Allotropy
(d) Compound
10. Deuterium Oxide is the scientific name of
(a) Soft water
(b) Hard water
(c) Heavy water
(d) Salt water

11. The rise and fall of the surface of the sea,caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and to lesser degree of the sun is called
(a) Current
(b) Wave
(c) Tide
(d) Isobar-
12 What is Mist?
(a) A mass of water drops present in the lower layer of the atmosphere.
(b) A mass of Dust present in the air.
(c) A number of molecules of gas present in the air
(d) None of these.
13. The art and technology of making objects from clay like pottery etc. is called
(a) Chemugry
(b) Chemistry
(c) Ceramics
(d) None of these
14. A study of the origin, evolution or development of plants is called
(a) Phylogeny
(b) Botnay
(c) Physiology
(d) Pomology
15. It is a coral reef of the shape of a horse shoe or ring with a lagoon in the center is called
(a) Acollian
(b) Atoll
(c) Bore
(d) Canyon

16. A large mass of ice detached from glacier and floating in the sea is called –
(a) Mountain
(b) Iceberg
(c) Canyon
(d) Coral
17. What is sericulture?
(a) of breeding of silk worms
(b) Study of insects
(c) Art of making pottery
(d) None of the abvoe
18. The study of fems is called
(a) Phenology
(b) Pteriodology
(c) Phrenology.
(d) Physiocology
19. The science of matter and energy and their interactions is called
(a) Chemistry
(b) Biology
(c) Physics
(d) Phycology
20.The process of extracting metals from their ores is called
(a) Alchemy
(b) Meteorology
(c) Metallurgy
(d) Agrostology

21.A collection of web pages that are linked andrelated and can be accessed by a user with a web browser is called-
(a) Web crawler
(b) Web Page
(c) Web Site
(d) Web Server
22. A file that contains the cookie data supplied by the remote internet site is called
(a) Clips file
(b) Faq File
(c) Cookie file
(d) Home file
23. Opening page of a web site is called
(a) Web Page
(b) Home Page
(c) Main Page
(d) Data Page
24. To execute a set of instructions automatically in order to reach a required state is called
(a) Bookmark
(b) Boot
(c) Bose
(d) Built in
25. Adobe is the name of
(a) A software programme
(b) A software Company
(c) A Hardware Company
(d) None of these
26. Asbestos is the name of –
(a) A number minerals
(b) A group of metals
(c) A group of molecules
(d) A group of Acids
27. A substance which reacts with an acid to give asest is called
(a) Mineral
(b) ton
(c) Base
(d) None of above
28.What name is given to any alloy formed by combining mercury with other metals.
(a) Argo
(B) Amalgam
(c) Axal
(d) None of above
29.What is Akal
(a) Sait
(b) Acid
(c) Base
(d) None of above

30. Which particle contains two protons and two neutrons?
(a) Alpha particles
(b) Beta Particles
(c) Gama Particles
(d) None of the above
31. Which substance when dissolved in water gives a solution containing hydrogen ions as they only positive ions?
(a) Salt
(b) Acid
(c) Base
(d) Alkal
32.Ethyne (CH) is also called
(a) Ethylene
(b) Acetylene
(c) Benzene
(d) None of the above
33. Antimatter is a form of matter which has been made during –
(a) Nuclear reactions
(b) Amalgamation
(c) Chemical reactions
(d) None of the above
34 Elements are grouped by their atomic number in a table known as
(a) Periodic Table
(b) Periodic numbers
(c) Periodic elements
(d) None of the above
35. Which scientific method is used for dating (age) for example archaeological remains?
(a) Nuclear dating
(b) Carbon Dating
(c) Radioachive Dating
(d) Half life method

36. A form of lens whose surface is curving inward or away from the eyes is called —
(a) Concave lens
(b) Convex lens
(c) Glass shaped lens
(d) None of the above.
37.A form of lens whose surface is curving Outward or towards the eyes is called –
(a) Concave lens
(b) Glass shaped lens
(c) Convex lens
(d) None of these
38. A process in which gas changed into a liquid form is called
(a) Dispersion method
(b) Condensation
(c) Distillation
(d) Doppler Effect
39. A change in the observed frequency of waves due to relative motion between the wave source and the observer is called
(a) Doppler Effect
(b) Distillation )
(c) Dispersion Method
(d) None of the above
40. An electric current that flows in one direction and does not reverse ts flow is called
(a) Alternating Current
(b) Ampere Current
(c) Direct Current
(d) None of the above

41. A substance which is used to colour many different materials such as textiles, paper and wood is called
(a) Gompound
(b) Detergent
(c) Dye
(d) None of the above
42. A mixture in which one substance is
suspended in another substance?
(a) Clay
(b) Detergent
(c) Colloid
(d) Alkaloid
43. As a result of osmosis, the volume of the solution?
(a) Gradually decreases
(b) Gradually increases
(c) Suddenly increases
(d) Shows no signs of change
44.Sea water is converted into fresh water by using the phenomenon of
(a) Plasmolysis
(b) Sedimentation
(c) Reverse osmosis
(d) Diffusion
45. Osmosis is the spontaneous flow through a semipermeable membrane of?
(a) A less concentrated solution into more concentrated solution
(b)The solvent from a solution of lower concentration to one of higher concentration
(c) Solute particles form a solution of higher concentration to one of lower concentration
(d) None
46. Duststorm is?
(a) Dispersion of solid in gas
(b) Dispersion of a gas in solid –
(c) Dispersion of solid in solid
(d) Dispersion of a gas in liquid
47. Detergent action of soaps and synthetic detergents is due to their?
(a) Interfacial area
(b) High molecular weight
(c) lonisation
(d) Emulsifying properties
48. Permanent hardness of water can be removed by adding:
(a) Potassium permanganate
(b) Chlorine
(c) Bleaching powder
(d) Washing soda
49. Ray juice is generally concentrated by?
(a) Vacuum distillation
(b) Steam distillation
(c) Both
(d) None
50. Fractional distilation is used in the purification of?
(a) Coal tar
(b) Crude alcohol
(c) Petroleum
(d) All

51. Which of the following vapourises first in fractional distillation?
(a) Kerosene
(b) Petroleum ether
(c) Lubricating oil
(d) Wax
52 Separation of crude petroleum into different fractions involves?
(a) Sublimation
(b) Filtration
(c) Decantation
(d) Distillation
53. Which one of the following is used in
manufacture of windows of aeroplanes?
(a) Vinyl resins
(b) Glyptal plastic
(c) Plexiglass
(d) Styrene
54. The form of carbon in diamond is colourless transparent and
(a) Non-physical
(b) Non-allotrophic
(c) Non-crystalline
(d) Crystalline
55. 12.00 g of hydrogen on burning in 16.0 g of oxygen forms 16.0 g of water, then which one of the following laws will be violated?
(a) Law of conservation of mass
(b) Law of constant composition
(c) Law of multiple proportions
(d) Law of reciprocal proportions

56. A mixture of ethyl alcohol and water can be separated into individual components by
(a) Separation of layers in a separatory funnel
(b) Crystallisation
(c) Chromatography
(d) Fractional distillation
57. The developer used for developing a
photographic film is chemically
(a) A reducing agent
(b) An oxidising agent
(c) A neutralising agent
(d) A complexing agent

58. The process of strongly heating an ore in the absence of air is called
(a) Roasting
(b) Reduction
(c) Calcination
(d) Smelting

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