Kiana Taylor Car Accident – South Carolina Highway Patrol

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Kiana Taylor Car Accident – South Carolina Highway Patrol is investigating a single vehicle crash that left a man dead, and a youngster hurt near the assembly of Bowen and Watson Streets in Kershaw County.

Kershaw County EMS and fire were sent to the scene around 3:54 p.m. Sunday. Specialists express that a 2003 Volkswagen was traveling west on Bowen Street when it veered off the road and hit a fire hydrant. It, by then, vexed and showed up in a lake in the Elgin zone.

Specialists express that the Volkswagen was found upside down and at last brought down in the lake when they appeared. A representative and fireman with Kershaw County recently pulled a 1-year-old youngster from the vehicle, followed by a 27-year-old male. The male driver was later recognized as Bernard Eric Taylor of Columbia and was verbalized dead.

The youngster was taken by EMS to Kershaw Health and later headed out to Prisma Health in Richland County with troublesome injuries.

There is no report on the youngster at the present time.

Taylor was wearing a seat strap, and the youngster was in an attested vehicle seat when the disaster occurred.

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